Instructions for the assembly of the 30 Inch Split Disc.
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1. Bearings and retaining rings needed: two R6 flanged bearings (smaller), two R8 flanged bearings (Larger), two 1/2″ external retaining rings. In addition you need a retaining ring pliers shown in photos 3 & 4.
2. Recommended to install top disc first. Put smaller bearing on bottom shaft with flange neareast disc edge.
3. With ring pliers, put retaining ring on top shaft and move it down the shaft toward disc
4. Put top bearing on top shaft with flange neareat disc edge
5. Insert top shaft into top housing.
6. Seat bottom bearing and shaft in bottom housing.
7. Push top bearing up into housing.
8. With ring pliers move retaining ring up bottom shaft to groove.
10. Finished Sculpture